
Running Projects:

  1. UE-H2020-ICT (2017-2020): Magnetic Diagnostic Assay for neurodegenerative diseases (MADIA), Grant No. 732678, EC funding:3.9M€ (Lecce 150 k€), Work programme topic addressed: ICT-03-2016 “SSI – Smart System Integration”.
  2. UE-H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018 (2018-2019): European Research Night – Apulia (ERN-Apulia), Grant No. 818783, EC funding: 171 k€ (UniSalento 30 k€, CNR 20 k€). Partners:  UniSalento, UniBA, PoliBA, UniFG, CNR, INFN, IIT, ENEA, IRCCS-DeBellis.
  3. Contamination Lab CLab@Salento (2017-2020): prot. CL16CWFNBS, Funding UniSalento: 300 k€ for creating a virtual and physical laboratory to develop and diffuse in the participants an entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial awareness.
  4. FISR-CIPE Project (2017-2020): Development of an innovative sensing platform for on-field analysis and monitoring (INNO-Sense), delibera CIPE n.78 del 07/08/2017, Total Funding1.47 M€ (UniSalento: 441 k€), partners: CNR-Nanotec, Ospedale San Raffaele, Consorzio Optel.

Past Projects:

  1. UE-FP6-NEST-STREP (2006-2010): Spintronic Devices for Molecular Electronics (SpiDME), Grant Agreement No. 029002, EC funding 1.3M€ (Lecce 502k€). Partners:  University of Hamburg – Institute for Applied Physics; University of Nijmegen – Institute for Molecules and Materials; Trinity College Dublin – School of Physics.               
  2. MAE-India (2008-2010): Spintronic devices for mass-scale electronic: High-relevance project for scientific and technological co-operation between Italy and India, Prot. 269/140343, Local Funding: 32k€.
  3. MIUR-FIRB Project (2011-2014): Molecular nanomagnets on metallic and magnetic surfaces for applications in molecular spintronics: prot. RBAP117RWN, Total Funding:  1528 k€ (Lecce 240k€).
  4. UE-FP7-ICT-CP (2012-2016): Molecular Architectures for QCA-inspired  Boolean Networks (MolArNet), Grant No. 318516, EC funding: 2.76M€ (Lecce 653k€). Partners: Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Université de Strasbourg, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Trinity College Dublin – School Of Physics, Stmicroelectronics Srl.
  5. MIUR-PRIN Project (2014-2016): Imaging MEtallorganic MOlecules: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and many-body theory (MEMO): prot. 2012EFSHK4, Total Funding: 150.836 €  (Lecce 75.436 €).
  6. MIUR-PRIN Project (2008-2010): Preparation and characterization of fluorinated layers and surfaces: prot. 2008KMP97E_005, Total Funding:  124 k€ (Lecce 47k€).
  7. MIUR-PRIN Project (2005-2007): Materiali fluorurati per il controllo dei fenomeni superficiali in sistemi micro- e nano-strutturati:prot. 2005035277_004, Total Funding:  347 k€.
  8. APQ-Ricerca Scientifica (2011-2013): Progetto Reti di Laboratori Pubblici di Ricerca “Nano- Biotechnological methods for innovative Diagnostics and Therapy” (NaBiDiT), Project code 72, Total Funding: 2.2 M€ (Coordinator: Prof. R. Rinaldi).
  9. P.O.N. Ricerca e competitività (2007-2013): “Omics and Nanotechnologies applied to living being for disease diagnosis” (ONEV), Project Code: PONa3_00354, involved with Università del Salento, Total Funding:   10.6 M€ (Coordinator: Prof. F. P. Schena)
  10. Call 2012 “5 per mille per la ricerca” – Università del Salento: Biochip magnetoresistivi per diagnostica (BioMag), Total Funding: 22.8k€.

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